WordPress Themes 2021 - How to Choose the Right One For You.

Do you famine to set up your own website? Maybe you've stayed blogging with one of the free services such as blogger or WordPress.com, and are upset by the limitations. Maybe you want to be able to add video and things easily, and would love to be gifted to do it simply and easily. I was in this position - I'd annoyed lots of ways to set up a website on my own - paying a webmaster, learning Frontpage, setting up a blog. As a 50 year old woman with no computer training, it all looked to be very crushing to me. I spent a lot of money, and a lot of time trying to do simple things. What transformed it for me was discovering WordPress.org. It's so easy to use!! There are plug-ins - most of them free - to do most things. All the things that were vast challenges for me, now seem really simple to do. The first WordPress site I had, I paid someone to set it up for me, because even though it looked quite straight forward, I was still a bit overcome by it all! But, when I start...